Our focus is to provide safe, effective and high-quality services. Therefore, we work in accordance with internal and external regulatory requirements. We optimize our quality system by regular inspections and continuous improvement. We increase quality by reliable, efficient and effective processes. In order to meet the expectations of our customers, we provide the following certifications, accreditations and approvals.
Quality Management

Certification according to DIN EN ISO 9001:2015
Corporate Scientific Solutions, since many years part of Infrastructure Services based in Düsseldorf, maintains a management system according to DIN EN ISO 9001. This is monitored on an annual basis by Lloyd's Register Quality Assurance (LRQA), recertification takes place every three years. The certification according to DIN EN ISO 9001 is recognized internationally and forms the foundation for further qualityrelevant official and regulatory authorizations.
Accreditation according to DIN EN ISO/IEC 17025:2018
Around 300 analytical and microbiological tests are performed at Corporate Scientific Solutions under accredited conditions in accordance with DIN EN ISO/IEC 17025 for testing laboratories.
As an internationally recognized standard, accreditation confirms that we as a testing laboratory perform our activities competently and in compliance with legal requirements. Accreditation provides comparable standards for testing, so that test results from Corporate Scientific Solutions are accepted by national authorities and courts in Germany and abroad.
Customers can be confident that we perform our testing at a high professional level and based on recognized methods. In addition, accreditation according to DIN EN ISO/IEC 17025 is an indispensable requirement for many tests in regulated areas. For example, official approval as a testing laboratory in accordance with the German Drinking Water Ordinance is only possible with this accreditation.
The successful accreditation is an objective and independent proof for the maintenance of the outstanding professional competence, the claim of continuous improvement of the quality issues in our laboratories as well as the impartiality. Regular reviews by the German Accreditation Body (DAkkS) ensure these requirements for our services.
Here is our current certificate: Urkunde (link) D-PL-17150-01-00.
You can find our current document attachments here: Urkundenanhänge (link).
The list of our test methods accredited in the flexible scope can be found here:
Link to flexlist
Test Laboratory according to GLP
Several laboratories in Corporate Analytics have the authorization to perform analyses according to the guidelines of Good Laboratory Practice (GLP) pursuant to the requirements of the Chemicals Act (ChemG). Tests under GLP conditions provide the formal framework for investigations associated for instance with registration of substances and mixtures or REACH EU chemicals regulations. They are required by law in order to ensure environment and consumer protection.
The authorization of Corporate Scientific Solutions as a test laboratory according to GLP-guidelines allows mutual international acknowledgement of test results and ensures comparability of data collected for the respective Regulatory Authority. A positive side effect of international acknowledgement is to avoid unnecessary multiple investigations.
Regular inspections by Ministerium für Arbeit, Gesundheit und Soziales (MAGS) of the state of North Rhine-Westphalia take place every three years.
Test Laboratory according to EU-GMP-Guidelines
Corporate Scientific Solutions is authorized to perform various analytical and microbiological tests in the pharmaceutical environment according to the guidelines of Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP).
The authorization according to GMP-guidelines ensures that all necessary investigations and processes in production environment of pharmaceutical products and active ingredients are performed properly and comprehensibly in accordance with standards recognized throughout the EU. This serves the costumer protection by documented safeguarding of product quality requirements.
Regular inspections by „Bezirksregierung Düsseldorf“ of GMP-activities take place every three years. When performing customer audits, external customers also continuously confirm the implementation and compliance with the required standards for investigation of their products in Corporate Scientific Solutions.